How To Unblock A Badly Blocked Toilet(Simple Steps)

How To Unblock A Badly Blocked Toilet

Do you want to know how to unblock a badly blocked toilet? To unblock a badly blocked toilet, Use a plunger to create suction and dislodge the blockage.

If that doesn’t work, try using a toilet auger, a hot water solution, and dish soap to break down the clog.

I have had several challenging experiences dealing with toilet blockages; facing a badly blocked toilet can be incredibly frustrating and inconvenient. 

However, I had passed through all those toilet issues all these years; consider trying to fix the problem yourself. 

This can save you money and give you a sense of accomplishment; I will show you a quick toilet unclogging method in this article. 

See why the toilet is clogged when there is nothing inside it.

Let’s dive in now!

How Do You Unblock A Seriously Blocked Toilet?

A seriously blocked toilet can sometimes be a major headache and even cause stress, especially when the usual unclogging methods fail.

Let us step up the pace, and I will teach you how to unblock a badly blocked toilet with my two fast methods. Let us dive into this excellent strategy to unblock a significantly blocked toilet, which has worked for me for many years.

Your first step is to gather the necessary tools and materials:

  • A plunger
  • A bucket
  • Rubber gloves
  • A toilet auger

Method 1: Using a plunger

First, use the plunger method to unblock a seriously blocked toilet. 

The first step is to ensure your plunger is clean and in good condition. You don’t want any other debris to add to the problem. 

Let’s start the plunging process with the plunger technique:

Put the plunger directly over the drain, ensuring it forms a tight seal. This seal is crucial to creating the necessary suction to dislodge the blockage.

Apply downward pressure on the plunger, using your body weight to push it down. 

Then, pull up quickly, creating suction in the process. This plunging action helps to loosen and break up the blockage.

Repeat the plunging movement several times, gradually increasing the force with each plunge. 

This process approach helps build up pressure and dislodge stubborn obstructions.

If you notice the water starting to drain, it’s a positive sign that your efforts are working. 

Continue plunging until the blockage is fully cleared, 

Make sure the water flows freely down the drain. This step guarantees that any remaining debris is flushed and your toilet is back in working order.

Method 2: Employing a toilet auger

If using a toilet plunger doesn’t fully clear the seriously blocked toilet, you can use a toilet auger as a powerful tool to solve the stubborn obstruction. 

Here’s how to use a toilet auger very well

Insert the toilet auger into the drain hole, carefully following the instructions provided by the instruction manual. 

Ensure the drill’s tip is securely positioned in the drain.

With a gentle yet firm grip, push the auger into the drain while turning the handle clockwise. 

The auger’s flexible cable will navigate through the curves of the pipe, seeking out the source of the blockage.

As you push the auger, you may encounter resistance or feel the blockage beginning to break up. 

Keep applying steady pressure while turning the handle to facilitate the drill’s progress.

Once you’ve pushed the auger as far as it can go or until you sense the blockage is loosening, begin slowly pulling it back. 

This motion is designed to catch and retrieve any dislodged debris obstructing the drain.

After successfully removing the clogs, flush the toilet to confirm that the blockage is resolved. 

Using a toilet auger can be very effective when dealing with a seriously blocked toilet. 

This is because it provides a more direct approach to reaching and dislodging the source of the blockage. 

Can Salt Unclog A Toilet?

When confronted with a blocked toilet, seeking quick and easy answers is natural. 

One popular DIY remedy that often comes up is the use of salt. However, while salt has many useful properties, unclogging a toilet is not one of them.

I also used this only when I added it to hot water to unclog the toilet

Salt is commonly known to enhance the flavor of our food. It is also beneficial for melting ice on winter roads. 

However, when faced with a blocked toilet, salt is not the answer. 

Most clogs in your toilet are usually because of a buildup of waste, toilet paper, and unflushed objects obstructing the water flow.

To effectively clear a clogged toilet, it’s best to use a plunger or a toilet auger, as you have read previously.

Remember, using salt or other non-recommended substances, such as harsh chemicals or objects like wire hangers, can damage your plumbing system. 

I always advocate wisely and rely on the appropriate tools and techniques to address toilet clogs effectively.

How To Unblock A Badly Blocked Toilet Without A Plunger

It will always be best to do it naturally when unblocking a badly blocked toilet without a plunger. 

In this section, that is what we shall be discussing; there are a few simple techniques to unblock your toilet without a plunger. 

Let’s get started: Assess the situation.

Our traditional first step before you start working in the toilet is to put on gloves, which protect your hands from any potential mess.

Again, you will also quickly look inside the toilet bowl to see if you can spot any visible obstructions like paper or other objects.

Hot water method

As you can see, the first method on my list is hot water; I use it a lot because it works. You boil a large pot of water and allow it to cool down before you pour. 

Then, you must carefully pour the hot water into the toilet bowl from waist height; the height creates more force as you pour the water from that level. 

The force and heat can help break up the blockage. 

After that, let it sit for 5 minutes, then flush the toilet. Repeat this process several times until you see the toilet is free.

Dish soap technique

Dish soap is another method I also use. Even in some cases, I combine both methods to see that I get my results.

Here is what you do: Pour enough liquid dish soap into the toilet bowl. 

Then leave the soap inside the toilet bowl for about 15 minutes, then pour water into the bowl, usually hot water. 

Flush the toilet and observe if the blockage is cleared.

Wire hanger method

This method works best if the blockage is within reach; you have to straighten out the wire coat hanger, leaving a small bend as a hook at one end. 

Insert the hanger carefully into the toilet bowl and try to maneuver it around the clog to dislodge it. 

When you can dislodge the clogs, you can now flush the toilet, which is as simple as that. However, be gentle to avoid scratching the porcelain.

Baking soda and vinegar mix

A baking soda and vinegar mix is my first option when facing a serious blockage without a plunger. 

As previously said, if none of the preceding ways work, combine 1 cup of baking soda with half a cup of vinegar. 

After you pour the mixture into the toilet bowl, leave it for 20 minutes to bubble until it is calm. 

Follow it with hot water and flush the toilet to see if it clears the blockage. 

You can notice that hot water is always present in all the methods. This is because it aids and facilitates the removal of toilet clogs.

Remember, these methods are alternatives to using a plunger, but they may not work for severe blockages or if the problem is deep within the plumbing system. 

However, If the toilet remains stubbornly clogged after attempting these techniques, it’s advisable to call a professional plumber to avoid further damage.

Now, armed with these tips, you can confidently resolve a badly blocked toilet without a plunger.

Toilet maintenance tips 

Toilet maintenance is essential for cleaning your bathroom and preventing toilet drain blockages. Here are some of my top tips to help you maintain your toilet:

Regular cleaning 

Clean your toilet regularly to prevent stains, buildup, and odors. Mix vinegar and baking soda to do that with you.

Scrub the bowl with a toilet brush under the rim, and around the edges.

Proper toilet paper usage

Use just a modest amount of toilet paper to avoid excessive accumulation in the pipes. Thick or heavily padded toilet paper is more likely to clog.

Keep the lid closed.

Form the habit of always closing the toilet lid when flushing; this helps to slow the spread of germs and the chance of things falling into the bowl accidentally.

Avoid harsh chemicals

Harsh chemicals can damage the toilet’s porcelain and pipes over time. Use gentle cleaning products instead, and avoid using bleach tablets that could harm internal parts.

Mindful flushing

You should be mindful and ensure you only flush toilet paper and natural human waste down your toilet. 

Avoid flushing items like baby wipes, feminine hygiene products, cotton balls, or paper towels; they usually cause clogs.

Check for Leaks

Inspect for leaks around the toilet’s base and the tank regularly. Leaks may pollute the environment and cause expensive repairs. 

If you find a leak, contact a plumber as soon as possible to get it repaired.

Avoid standing on the toilet.

Toilets are not designed to support any weight other than that of a seated person. Discourage standing or sitting on the toilet lid, which can cause cracks or damage.

Make time for professional inspections of your toilet (2-7 times a year)

Call for a professional plumber to help inspect your toilet and plumbing system annually to catch any potential issues early and ensure everything works correctly.

With these quick DIY tips, you can maintain a clean and functional toilet to avoid the risk of clogs, leaks, and other plumbing issues, and guess what! Save your money.


Unblocking a badly blocked toilet can be easy with what you have learned and the right tools. When you know how to prevent toilet blockages in the first place, you are good to go.

You can also read other articles where I give step-by-step ways to unclog blocked toilets using different home remedies.

By following the step-by-step instructions in this guide, you can successfully learn how to unblock a badly blocked toilet, saving time and money.

Read also about tips and tricks for using a sink plunger to unclog a toilet.