Clogged Toilet With Poop(This Is Not Funny)

Clogged Toilet with Poop

Do you want to know what it means to have a clogged toilet with poop? A clogged toilet with poop refers to an obstructed toilet due to the accumulation of fecal waste, causing a blockage in the plumbing system.

I must tell you that dealing with a clogged toilet is never pleasant, especially when it is clogged with poop inside the toilet bowl. I often experience this in many homes.

However, this post aims to provide practical steps to address this issue easily and effectively. 

See how to unclog the toilet with poop.

Steps To Take When Dealing With A Toilet-Clogged Poop

You may ask what to do when the toilet is clogged with poop? Seeing poop fill the toilet bowl does not necessarily, mean that your toilet is clogged by poop.

Clogged toilets often exhibit signs such as water rising to the brim, draining slowly, and allowing poop on the toilet bowl. 

At this point, the first step you should take is assessing the severity and the leading cause of the clog is essential, as it helps you choose the appropriate course of action.

Before you begin unclogging the toilet with poop, it’s important to prioritize safety. Gather the necessary materials, such as rubber gloves and a plunger, if you want to DIY. 

However, let me show you everything you must do to resolve the problem of how to fix a clogged toilet with poop.

How To Fix Clogged Toilet With Poop

Dealing with a poop-clogged toilet can be unpleasant and dirty, especially when it involves solid waste. 

Being upset and concerned is normal, but keeping a cool head can help you deal with the issue efficiently.

Sometimes, you can even unclog a toilet without using any material, especially when the clog is small.

However, there are actions you can take to resolve the problem and restore full toilet performance. 

Here are some helpful toilet clog removal methods you can apply to help fix a clogged toilet with poop:

Toilet plunger to unclog toilet poop

When unclogging toilets with waste, especially poop, get a toilet plunger into the toilet bowl and ensure it covers the drain hole completely. 

Use firm, consistent pressure to create a suction motion. Repeat this action several times until the clog loosens and the water starts to drain.

Use hot water alongside the plunger. If plunging alone is not working, you can use hot water alongside the plunger by pouring hot water into the toilet bowl to ensure the water is not boiling. 

The hot water can help break down the poop and loosen the clog.

Doing this, you must have found a way to pack the poop from the bowl to allow you access to the drain hole where the plunger is placed initially.

Using Hot water and dish soap in clearing a toilet backed up with poop

If the plunger does not work, try pouring a mixture of dish soap and hot water (not boiling water)  into the toilet bowl. 

Add dish soap as well, as it can help break down the waste. Let it sit for a few minutes before attempting to flush again.

Using an auger or a plumbing snake dealing with a poop-clogged toilet

After using hot water and dish soap, if the clog persists, you may need to employ a toilet auger or plumbing snake. 

Carefully insert the drill into the toilet’s drain and rotate the handle clockwise several times. This should dislodge the obstruction and restore the flow.

Remember, prevention is key. To avoid future blockages, avoid flushing large amounts of toilet paper, feminine hygiene products, and other non-flushable materials.

Home Remedies For Clogged Toilet With Poop

Having to deal with a blocked toilet, especially one clogged with poop. While many typical remedies are available, I want to share my three favorite home remedies. 

And these are the methods I mostly use to unclog a toilet with poop still in it without a plunger.

Though home remedies cannot always be guaranteed to work in every toilet blockage situation, you may always try them and avoid calling a plumber. 

The baking soda and vinegar combo to clear clogged toilets from poop

This age-old trick has proven effective for many types of clogs, including those caused by poop. Use one cup of baking soda in the toilet bowl. Next, add two cups of vinegar. 

The mixture will create a bubbly reaction, which will help break down the clog. 

The mix is then allowed to settle for 24 minutes. Then, pour a pail of hot water into the basin and check whether the blockage is gone. 

If the clog has not gone completely, you can repeat the process or, if you like, try another remedy.

The warm water and dish soap method to clear toilet clogged with poop

Start by carefully pouring about half a bucket of hot water into the toilet bowl. 

To avoid harming the porcelain, ensure the water is hot but not boiling. Then, carefully add dish soap to the water. 

The soap acts as a lubricant and may help break down the clog. Let the combination sit for 5 minutes to allow the soap to penetrate the clog. 

Then, use a plunger to gently plunge the toilet, applying steady pressure to dislodge the blockage. Repeat this process a few times if necessary.

The Epsom Salt and Lemon Juice Solution  for toilets clogged by poop

This remedy combines the cleansing properties of Epsom salt and lemon juice. 

You start by pouring one cup of Epsom salt into the toilet bowl. 

Then, squeeze the juice of two lemons into the bowl, ensuring the juice and the pulp go in. 

This combination of Epsom salt and lemon juice can help break down waste and provide a refreshing scent. 

Let the mixture settle for one hour. Then, flush the toilet to determine whether the blockage has been removed. 

If you observe a need to repeat the process or try an alternative method, you must do so.

As I previously stated, these home remedies can be helpful in some cases, but they are not guaranteed to fix all blocked toilet problems.

Toilet plumbing issues with poop

Dealing with toilet plumbing issues, especially those involving poop, can be an unpleasant experience, as I have always said.

On the other hand, understanding common issues and learning how to deal with them might be beneficial.

Let’s look at some likely poop-related toilet plumbing concerns and practical tips you can take to resolve them.

Clogs and Slow-draining

If your toilet isn’t flushing properly and slowly draining, it could be due to a clog.

Clogs often occur when non-flushable items or excessive toilet paper are flushed down.

Try to use a plunger to unclog the blockage. A plumbing snake can help break up the clog if that doesn’t work.

Backed-Up Toilet

A clogged toilet, where waste and water ascend rather than drain, can be a big source of toilet backup due to clogs.

This might also indicate a more significant obstruction farther down the plumbing. To prevent exacerbating the issue, use a plunger with caution.

Unpleasant odors

A foul smell emanating from your toilet may be humiliating and unpleasant.

A clogged vent pipe or a dry P-trap (the U-shaped bend in the pipe beneath the toilet) might be the source of the stink.

Ensure the P-trap has water in it to prevent sewage gases from escaping.

Leaking Base or Seal

Sometimes, you find some water leakage by the side base of your toilet bowl. A deteriorated wax ring or a faulty seal could cause this.

To fix this issue, you must remove the entire toilet, replace the wax ring by following the process, and properly reseal it.

Gurgling sounds

The gurgling sounds in your toilet you hear when you flush it could indicate a ventilation problem or a partial blockage in the sewer line.

And this kind of issue can, most of all, be resolved by a plumber.

Keep in mind that while certain toilet plumbing issues may be fixed by yourself,

However, it is important to prioritize your safety and the correct operation of your plumbing system to avoid the problem from happening in the first place.

Preventing toilet blockages from waste

Keeping your toilet free from clogs caused by waste is always challenging, especially when you have kids in the home.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent these situations.

By following these easy practices, you can ensure that your toilet stays clear of waste.

1. Mindful of what you flush

Remember that your toilet is built to manage human waste and toilet paper.

Wet wipes, face tissues, cotton balls, and other non-flushable materials should not be flushed down the toilet.

These unflushed items can easily build up and cause toilet clogs.

2. Moderation with toilet paper

Even when toilet paper is flushable, using too much in a single flush might increase the likelihood of blockages.

Keep track of how much you use, and consider flushing many times if necessary.

3. Regular maintenance

Another smart habit to develop to avoid toilet clogs is always to use a plunger to give your toilet a brief maintenance plunge.

4. Put a drain Screen over your drain

Placing a drain screen over your toilet’s drain might collect bigger material and keep it from flowing down the pipe.

This is a simple method that I have used over the years to prevent possible toilet clogs before they ever occur.

5. Educate family members

Ascertain that everyone in your home understands what may and cannot be flushed down the toilet.

With this knowledge, it can go a long way toward preventing clogs.

You may significantly decrease the chance of waste-related toilet blockages by including these basic procedures in your everyday toilet routine.


So far, you have learned how to deal with a clogged toilet with poop. As you have seen above, a blocked toilet with feces is unpleasant, but you can handle it successfully. 

By following the steps mentioned in the article, like using home remedies to free toilets clogged with poop, you can tackle the issue effectively, such as clogged toilets with poop baking soda. 

Remember to immediately act on clogged toilets with poop, use the right tools, and consider professional help if needed. 

Additionally, implementing preventive measures will help you avoid similar situations in the future. 

These steps allow you to maintain a properly functioning toilet and a clean, hygienic bathroom environment.

Can you see poop stains on the black toilet bowl?